January Member of the month

January Member of the month

Meet Lisa, our January member of the month.

Lisa member of the month January

Lisa member of the month January

A dedicated 41 years old woman that loves strength training.

After her weight loss journey losing over 20 kg, she decided to take up strength training (powerlifting and strongman) and it then became her passion.

After only 3 weeks through her individualized training program, she hit a 7.5 kg PB on bench ( 47.5kg) and a 12.5 kg PB on deadlift (112.5kg)

She currently trains 4 times a week and also takes part to our Strongman/Strongwoman group training on Saturday. Her primary goal is get stronger and leaner. When she is not training, she enjoys movie nights and going to the beach.

Well done Lisa! Keep it up with the hard work !!! Click here to watch Lisa’s deadlift.

Click here to learn more about our women’s strength workshop.

Jean-Stephen “Coco”
Personal Trainer, Sport Scientist, Strength Coach

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